In 2021, when the rumors of Diamond Pedals quietly closing shop has made their way to us here at SolidGoldFX, we reached out to see if there was anything we could do to help.
Whether it be manufacturing, parts, R&D or any other part of the pedal making process that we already do in-house at our shop in Montreal, we wanted to do whatever we could to not only help out a fellow Canadian pedal maker, but to keep the legendary, world renowned legacy of Diamond Pedals alive.
One thing led to another and in 2023, SolidGoldFX ended up purchasing Diamond Pedals from Polyblend Inc., the parent company of Diamond Pedals.
Since beginning in 2004, Diamond's Canadian-made pedals have become a globally renowned and trusted staple on many pedalboards—known for their superior sound quality, intuitive user-friendly layouts and controls, innovative, unique features, and high-quality components.
This "designed to be trusted, built to last" legacy is important to us in not only only maintaining but defining Diamond's future.
That is why we decided SolidGoldFX and Diamond Pedals will remain separate brands, despite being built under the same roof. While both brands might share a thing or two, we want to maintain the core of what what makes Diamond, Diamond and SolidGoldFX, SolidGoldFX.
So, what's next?
Since 2023 we have been working on updating the Diamond lineup. The Diamond sound, quality and recognizable branding will remain with a few modernized touches such as updated parts and manufacturing processes.
The circuits everyone has come to know and love will remain just that. We will continue to add more as we move through development and production. Visit www.diamondpedals.com to see what is out there now!