Fuzz is really where all this pedal mania started. When saturation entered into the guitarist's psyche it was truly an earth shattering shift in music production. So Conner took some time with one of Greg's vintage JEN Jumbo Fuzzes to explain the process behind creating our Imperial MKII.

Picture this: it's 1974, you're in the Italian rivera enjoying some sweet gelato paired with a glass of that year's classic and luxurious Chianti by Emidio Pepe Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, all while a bead of sweat trickles down your face in pure content when all of a sudden, you're hit with the most raucous, saturated, hell-inducing sound ever. Enter the Jen Jumbo Fuzz.

Jen designed the Jumbo Fuzz to be a gated version of the infamous EHX Big Muff and boy did it not disappoint. With a particularly sculpted tone control, the Jen Jumbo Fuzz unlocked new sounds of saturation that had never been heard before. For most of you reading this it's probably truly difficult to imagine a world of music where saturation never happened. But take a moment and put yourself in the shoes of those hearing it for the first time. Had to be pretty wild.

Turns out, we had a vintage one of these laying around, and slap us silly it does sound mighty good. So we designed a new one, with a bit more control and taking aspects of both the Jen Jumbo Fuzz and the EHX Ramshead Big Muff to make the Imperial. Oh but we didn't stop there in this homage to great pedals. We decided to slap some sliders on this puppy to make sure everyone knew this was the real deal.